Based on the hypothesis of continuity of the dream, the effects of the Second World War on the dreams of the Germans were studied. This study included four representative samples from the years 1956 to 2000 (repeated cross-sectional surveys). Although a decline in war-related dream themes has been noted over time, the increased rate of these themes in the oldest age group (60 years and older) in 2000 indicates the lasting effect of emotionally salient life experiences on dreams. Current results suggest that the method of analyzing the content of dreams is a very informative approach to the impact of political events on people`s inner lives and therefore the value to the field of political science. You can perform real name authentication via identity authentication, and the cost of this download will be borne by your library after successful authentication We have established a direct purchase cooperation with the literature publisher. Start a request for help through the literature platform for mutual help, and after success, you can get the full text of the article for free. You can buy this document directly, 1~5 minutes to download the full text, some resources for network reasons may take longer, please be patient Oh~.. .