Before subscribing to an IT service, the SLA must be carefully evaluated and designed to achieve the maximum service value from an end-user and business perspective. Service providers need to pay attention to the differences between internal outputs and client-centric outcomes, as these can help set service expectations. This Agreement shall remain in force until it is replaced by a revised Agreement mutually approved by the Stakeholders. This Agreement constitutes a service level agreement («SLA» or «Agreement») between the Company Name and the Customer for the provision of IT services necessary to support and maintain the Product or Service. A service level agreement (SLA) is a documented agreement between a service provider and a customer that identifies both the services required and the expected level of service. The agreement varies between suppliers, services and industries. Although your SLA is a documented agreement, it doesn`t have to be long or too complicated. It is a flexible and lively document. My advice? Create one with this template and examples and consult your customers on perceived gaps.

Because unforeseen cases are inevitable, you can recall and optimize the SLA if necessary. A Service Level Agreement (SLA) documents IT`s focus on our commitment to our customers. In order to support the services described in this Agreement, the Service Provider will respond to incidents and/or requests related to the Service submitted by the Customer within the following timeframes: This Agreement describes the parameters of all Covered IT Services as mutually understood by key stakeholders. This Agreement does not supersede current processes and procedures, except as expressly provided herein. The purpose of this SLA is to specify the requirements of the SaaS Service as defined herein with respect to: Add a brief introduction to the Agreement in terms of parts, scope of service, and duration of the agreement. For example, the coverage settings specific to the Services covered by this Agreement are as follows: In this section, add the management and service support details applicable to the service provider In this section, you want to define the policies and scope of this Agreement with respect to application, renewal, the modification, exclusion, limitation and termination of the Agreement. This section sets out the objectives of this Agreement, for example: B. : The coverage of the service [service provider] described in this contract follows the schedule set out below: Here you define the responsibilities of the service provider and the customer. The Relationship Manager («Document Owner») is responsible for facilitating the regular review of this document.

The content of this document may be amended if necessary, provided that the main stakeholders concerned agree to it and are communicated to all parties concerned. The document holder will include any subsequent revisions and obtain mutual agreements/approvals if necessary. The next section, the agreement overview, should contain four components: There are several ways to write an SLA. Here`s a simulated table of contents that you can use as a startup template to write your own service level agreements. Add the pricing models for each type of service with detailed specifications. The SLA is a documented agreement. Let`s look at an example of an SLA that you can use as a template to create your own SLAs. Remember that these documents are flexible and unique. Make the necessary changes, as long as you involve the parties involved, especially the customer. And consider other topics that you may want to add agreements to. B such as: Add a definition and brief description of the terms used to represent services, roles, metrics, scope, parameters, and other contract-related details that can be interpreted subjectively in different contexts.

This information can also be divided into the appropriate sections of this document instead of being grouped into a single section. This is a service level agreement (SLA) between [Customer] and [Service Provider]. This document specifies the services required and the expected level of performance between MM/DD/YYYY and MM/DD/YYYY. The purpose of this Agreement is to ensure that the right elements and obligations are in place to ensure consistent IT support and service delivery to customer(s) by the Service Provider(s). .