The Supplier reserves the right to modify or amend this Agreement at any time with written notice to the Customer. PandaTip: The tokens in this section of the template must be filled in to communicate the daily deadline for same-day money transfers and the URL for online applications. The provider will deduct the service fee from the amount transferred in accordance with federal law. The Supplier undertakes to inform the Customer of these costs before initiating a money transfer and reserves the right to modify or modify the fees upon notification to the Customer. This money transfer agreement is entered into from [Agreement.CreatedDate] by and between [Sender.Name], the provider and [Client.Name], the customer. The customer assumes full responsibility for the accuracy of all money transfer requests. Under no circumstances shall the Supplier be liable for any loss or damage if a money transfer has been made in good faith in accordance with the Customer`s request. The Customer agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Supplier against any claim or loss or damage arising out of the Supplier`s actions in good faith on behalf of the Customer, without limitation. This money transfer agreement begins on the date indicated above and will continue until terminated in writing by either party. Termination of the Agreement shall not terminate or affect the rights of either party as described in this Money Transfer Agreement.

PandaTip: Use the text boxes in this section of the Referral Agreement template to list the customer`s contact information. This money transfer agreement is subject to Section 41 of the Uniform Commercial Code and the laws of the State [Sender.State]. All transfer requests are made in accordance with the regulations of [Sender.Company]. PandaTip: PANDATIP: Use the table of contents at the top of this money transfer template to quickly access specific sections of the template. AS COOKIES, the parties listed below hereby enter into this Money Transfer Agreement and agree to enforce and maintain their terms and conditions for as long as they remain in effect. The Customer authorizes the Service Provider to make electronic transfers from the Customer`s accounts to the accounts listed on the money transfer requests. CONSIDERING that the Customer wishes to use the Supplier`s money transfer services to transfer funds electronically and that the Supplier wishes to provide such services in accordance with the terms of this Money Transfer Agreement, money transfer requests cannot be cancelled once they have been submitted. Provider may, in its sole discretion, attempt to cancel a transfer at the customer`s request, but cannot guarantee the success of such efforts if a transfer has been duly approved and submitted. The Service Provider communicates with the Customer by telephone, e-mail and physical mail as follows: Telephone: E-mail: Address: The Customer undertakes to comply with all of the Service Provider`s security protocols and authentication requests. These logs and requests may include the following: If the customer is unable to provide acceptable assets or information in response to security or authentication requests, the provider reserves the right to refuse the service. Money Transfer Agreement A. TermGold Referral Package B.

Transfer Fee Referral Package Gold C. Transfer Instructions Gold Referral Package Referral Package d. Security and AuthenticationGold Sponsorship Case E. Transfer AuthorizationGold Sponsor Form F. Cancellation of Money Transfer Gold Sponsor Package G. Compensation Gold Sponsor Package H. Communication Gold Sponsor Package I. Applicable Gold Sponsor Package J.

ChangesAcception of The Panda Gold Sponsor PackageTip: Both parties must highlight this pattern using the following fields. These signatures comply with federal and financial regulations. .